Practice to Performance Course
A one week online course for college golf coaches that helps optimise your group and individual practice to performance.
Starting date TBC
The Transfer Problem
In a recent study by Rahman looking at over 30 years of research on transfer of practice to performance they found what is called a transfer problem.
He found that only 15 - 30 % of practice in 30 years of research transferred to performance.
Accordingly, what was found in this study is the most positive shifts in solving the transfer problem in the last 20 years has been the movement towards the study of real practice environments, practice environments that simulate performance.
Solving the Transfer Problem
This course is all about helping you discover how to solve the transfer problem.
Optimise the practice environments for your golfers.
Transferring Practice to Performance…
Delivered by two golf practice experts:
Performance Director, Tour Coach + Academic
Stuart’s current work is to support Swiss Golf as their Performance Director for the professional team, to assist Robert Macintyre and Bernd Wiesberger with their practice, whilst completing a Doctorate in Human Performance with the spotlight on Golf & Practice.
Tour Level Experience
Stuart has coached at all Majors in Golf, and at the Ryder cup. The work he does with professional golfers takes him all over the world.
He is an Advanced member of the PGA of Great Britain and recognized by Golf Digest at one of the top international coaches.
Having started his full-time coaching career under the guidance of David Leadbetter, he became ever more interested in the science of how we learn, skill acquisition, motor control and how we practice.
Pete is a practice coach with a Masters by Research in the learning and practice habits of European Tour Players.
He has also co-authored two books on golf practice.
One for Golf Coaches
A Constraints-Led Approach to Golf Coaching
One for Golfers and Coaches
Swing Like Tiger: A History Lesson on Tiger Wood’s Practice
Pete works with all levels of golfer around the globe as a practice consultant.
Practice to Performance
A one week online Course for College Coaches.
2hrs a day interactive content and discussion.
All recorded.
Monday 11th to 15th 5-7 PM Greenwich Mean Time
Course Content
Day 1 = Intro to Practice - 2hrs
What do you know? What terms have you heard?
The Path Dependent Phenomenon
What do you want?
Therefore, practice design is a missing piece:
Block Practice
Random Practice
Variable Practice
Contextual Practice
Between vs within skill (zooming lens in and out).
Differential Learning
Continuous & Massed Practice
Day 2 = Practice for Performance - 2hrs
Periodization of practice GREEN, RED, BLUE framework guide for coaches
Reverse engineer - What if’s?
Action fidelity
Affective learning
Day 3 = Group Practice Design - 2hrs
Designing individual constraints within groups (with examples)
Indoor training (with examples)
On course (examples linked to what if’s, next tournament, action fidelity)
Range Practice (with examples of between, within skill and individual + group)
Consequences in practice (and how to design them)
Day 4 = Individual Practice Design - 2hrs
A discussion
Practical issues? (with examples)
What do coaches/golfers face?
Practical solutions (with examples)
Day 5 = Technical Refinement - 2hrs
Supporting golfers through swing changes.
Meta stability, Mono stability and plasticity in the brain
Movement is context specific. How is this swing change going to work in the REAL environment?
Accelerating technical refinement
Cues, whole, training aids (principles of specificity)
Insourcing Vs outsourcing learning
Day 6* = One Thing for Practice Transfer
2-4 weeks after the day 5 TBC
Getting the best out of your golfers - A Case Study
Bring one case study to the group from the principles you have learnt and a specific example of how you are going to implement/ have implement one of the principles we have discussed.
Explain your rationale for doing it this way.
We will then discuss as a group.
*2-4 weeks after first 5 days of 2hr sessions for you to digest the first 5 days of content.
Apply for the Course
What does it cost?
We will let you decide at the end of the course what it is worth, sending you a payment link that allows you to decide on how much the course was worth to you.
This is a pilot course and invite only, we will be asking for full attendance, constructive feedback on the course and if you found value in the content a testimonial at the end.
When will it be held?
Who qualifies for this course?
College coaches and their assistants only. As this is an interactive course attendance to all sessions is expected.