The Tiger Practice Guide

Learn to Train Like a Champion Golfer

“As well as providing great insights into the GOATs development this book will help golfers of all levels develop a quality practice that transfers to the golf course. I often go back to this book for some inspiration…”

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New Video Course

Want to go down a Rabbit Hole into The Tiger’s Practice? Our new video Tiger Masterclass allows you to digest all the practice advice from the book but in even more depth.

It’s a Tiger Rabbit Hole of Practice, jam-packed with expanded content from the book + bonus archive footage of Tiger’s practice.

One that will leave you in no doubt of how Tiger got so good and more importantly how you can apply these practice nuggets to your game.

Tiger Video Practice Vaults

Enter your email below and gain access to 30+ FREE videos, detailing old videos of Tiger describing how he practiced.

Simple practice drills such as the Tiger Practice Basics, Stock shots, Ball flight games, Pre-Shot Routines and much more.

The lessons learnt are so powerful, they should be a part of every golfer’s practice sessions.

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